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expectations vs reality |
is anyone can bring me to seoul?
im really really badly want to go there. take me take me!
aigooooo :( why are you so far? its an obsession! im in love w you
dh byk kali dh ckp kt ayah nak pergi sane. tp tak layan.
diorang ckp seoul tak best, takde bende yang menarik.
mmg laa takde bende yang menarik kalau kite takk tahu pasal bende bende kt sane kan?
ahh. cuti ni pun mak ayah aku takde kt rumah pergi uk. 10 hari plak tu.
ak nak buat ape ntah kat umah ni. hmm.
kalau lah ak dpt pergi seoul thun ni. aku laa org paling bhgie kt dunia ni.
nak2 kalau time spring. ahh mmg cantik.
*dreaming about i can sit under the cherry blossom tree. haha
misalnye aku ade dkt seoul skrg ni,
aku nak pergi namsan tower. the best part, i can see it from almost anywhere in seoul.
kt namsan locks tu. haa. changdeokgung palace *btol dok tau ejaan.
insandong. omo omoo cheonggye river by night. ah jinjja yeputa.
pastu shopping kt market2 die namdaemun, dongdaemun. itaewon.
haaaa lotte world. yongsan! (pengaruh drama) kimchi museum. i will love to eat them.
haha daebak. seoul jjang! it really drive me nuts. keep thnking of it.
umma appa, i will not ask anything else after this if you take me to korea. *_*
i'll find the chance and grab it until i can go there.
someday, i will set my foot in seoul.
and i wish i will take home my bias. yong junhyung. haha.
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